VPGI Certification B.V. can also be your partner to conduct audits at your suppliers. Because of our experience in the printing industry, knowledge of industry related requirements and expertise in management systems standards, we are well organized to audit your suppliers. This can be done based upon Intergraf ISO 14298 and/or Intergraf CWA 15374, but also according to other management system standards such as ISO 9001. The selected system depends on your requirements and/or the importance of the supplier for your processes.
The auditors of VPGI have many years of experience in certifying organisations under many standards: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 45001. CA+ (Dutch standard for destruction of confidential archives) and of course the described security standards. This makes them perfect representatives of your company to evaluate the system and processes of your suppliers.
Reasons to outsource supply chain audits to VPGI are: