In case a security printing organisation (or supplier) is implementing a security management system based on Intergraf ISO 14298 or Intergraf CWA 15374 and wishes to have an objective view on the status of the system it can contact VPGI to conduct a pre-assessment audit. Based on the pre-assessment audit, the company can determine the status of the system related to the certification process. The pre-assessment audit provides information about the process and potential improvements to successfully complete the (re)certification audit. The pre-assessment audit can be applied to all above mentioned standards (single as well as integrated).
During the pre-assessment audit, VPGI will assess the security printing management system (manuals and procedures) for the applicable standard. During the pre-assessment audit it is also examined if the requirements of the checklist are implemented correctly. During the pre-assessment audit a GAP-analysis is made and potential incorrect interpretations of the requirements are discussed. After the pre-assessment audit the company receives a practical report of the findings which forms the basis for the company’s improvement plan.
Benefits of a pre-assessment audit by VPGI: